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At Motion Encoding, we are always researching and reading about the latest technologies.  But we stay up to date on the tried and true technologies that have been used in the past.  This helps us to not only help you in salvaging existing software, but it helps us to know when the newer technologies that have become available may be a better fit for your unique situation.  Below is a summarized list of technologies that we offer our clients:

  • Languages:
    • F#, C#, Silverlight, Ajax, ASP.NET, VB, Java, JavaScript, VBScript
  • Databases:
    • SQL Server, MySQL, Azure DataStorage, Oracle, Access, Data Warehouse, Relational Databases, Flat File Databases, ODBC
  • Optional Platforms:
    • Stand Alone application, which is installed on a single computer for single user access
    • Web Based, Intranet (within your company) and Internet access, with or without database dynamic data
    • Web Deployed Applications, which are loaded from a single website, but appear as a stand-alone application on your local machine.
    • Mobile applications